35//50 Response

On September 1, 2020 Rapid Fire Theatre, along with other performing arts companies in Edmonton, received an invitation to participate in the 35//50YEG initiative. Led by a number of Edmonton-based performing arts practitioners, the 35//50 Initiative calls for actionable, measurable commitment from YEG’s professional arts organizations to represent our civic landscape in our company. Specifically, this initiative is calling for a minimum 35% BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Colour) and 50% women or non-binary people in paid, professional positions by the 2024/25 theatre season.

Rapid Fire Theatre enthusiastically supports and commits to this initiative. The goals of 35//50 are in keeping with RFT’s belief that the makeup of our company should resemble our city. We thank the folks behind this initiative for their work, and believe that actionable measures and shared accountability are excellent methods to achieving this collective goal.

We commit to a representation of at least 35% BIPOC and 50% women or non-binary people by the end of the 2024/25 theatre season in our:

These are some of the ongoing methods that RFT invests in the continued diversification of our company:

  • Workshops for our members on indigenous history and the traditional caretakers of amiskwaciwâskahikan
  • Bystander and Intervention training for all of our members, so that they are equipped to intervene in problematic situations
  • Annual review of our Policy Against Abuse, Harassment and Discrimination
  • Our Outreach Education Program
  • Removing Barriers through Open Auditions (with Female/Non-Binary and BIPOC representation on the auditioner panel), Open Jams and Scholarship Programs
  • Dedicated performances like Sphinxes and Tokens that prioritize BIPOC, women and non-binary stories and comedy
  • Transparent & equitable hiring practices, where we believe there is value in candidates who bring lived experience that is not already represented to our team
  • Exit interviews for board and staff members who are leaving their positions