Born out of the Citadel Theatre’s Teen Fest, under the direction of Canadian comedy royalty Three Dead Trolls in a Baggie, Gordon’s Big Bald Head has featured many faces over the years. These days, you can catch Mark Meer, Jacob Banigan and Ron Pederson reuniting as “Gordon’s” each summer at the Edmonton International Fringe Theatre Festival.
Gaze in awe as these improv superhumans use the otherworldly powers granted to them by Earth’s yellow sun to improvise their own unique version of ANY OTHER SHOW AT THE FRINGE FESTIVAL! At the top of each show, one random audience member selects a show from the Fringe Festival program guide; based on the program description alone, Gordon’s Big Bald Head improvise their version of the show in its entirety!
…the three-headed Wayne Gretzky of the improv world.
Masters at their trade, seamlessly inventing stories out of thin air
We’ve been in the presence of genius
Gordon’s Big Bald Head is named for their personal Sesame Street hero; Mr. Roscoe Orman!